WELCOME to the West Australian Folk Federation (WAFF)

Welcome to the pages of the WA Folk Federation.
The WAFF was established in 1970 with the principle aim of promoting Folk Music and Dance in WA and attracting the National Folk Festival to WA which we hosted in 1978 in Fremantle & 1985 at The University of WA. The National Folk Festival, held over the Easter Weekend, is now located in Canberra with a featured state each year.
We became an incorporated body in 1974. We serve the entire state, although predominantly the Perth Metro area, and have done so for more than five decades. The WAFF is working now to reinvigorate itself and redefine its role in promotion of folk performing arts in Western Australia, including music, dance, yarns and poetry. In the coming months we promise many new and exciting developments. Join us as we work to elevate understanding and appreciation for folk music, poetry, dance, and story-telling.

On 24th November 2025 we had our AGM where we voted unanimously for Carmel Charlton and Eric Hancock to become Life Members. This decision was made due to the outstanding effort of running Jackadders Music Club for over 20 years. Also Carmel has a massive portfolio of songs she has written performed and recorded highlighting Western Australia. We felt this was a well deserved accolade.
We also voted in a new committee, which was a bit of a shuffle of personnel. Phil Gray is the new Chairperson, John Ralph is back as Vice Chair, Rob Oats stays on as immediate past chair. Check out the details by clicking on the committee tab.

In 2021 we came together with Hillarys Boat Harbour to present the 2nd Folk on the Water Festival running over the whole weekend 16th & 17th October. We will once again showcased West Australian talent with a diverse array of acoustic styles. For info on the acts click on the tab on this page.

WAFF Affiliated Folk Clubs

WAFF supports new and existing WA Folk Clubs through affiliation. Affiliated clubs can receive benefits though WAFF such as APRA license fees and other assistance. Affiliated clubs are asked to pay WAFF a small membership fee yearly to help cover expenses for club license coverage. WAFF can and sometimes does help with managing clubs and finding performers.

If you would like to start a folk club we are here to help you!

Currently one club is officially run under the banner of the WAFF (Wanneroo Folk Club &amp) and a number of others are affiliated.
Breaking News: in February 2025 we are starting up a new music club in Guildford called Swan Acoustic. It will be at the Swan Bowling Club, 9 Attfield St, Guildford WA 6055. It will be an acoustic Blackboard style club. It will be run on 3rd Friday each month. We thanks Phil & Yvonne Gray for getting this up and running. For more info email us at wafolk@hotmail.com. We will set up aanother page soon with more details.

Wanneroo Folk Club (in Warwick)
2nd Friday of the month

Dorchester Hall, 2 Dugdale St, Warwick.
Find us on Google Maps here
Entry price varies:
Guest Nights $12 ($10 WAFF Members).
Doors open: 7:00pm, Music from 7:30pm
Come-All-Ye nights $8 ($5 WAFF)
For more info and performers Email: Rob Oats

Ken’s Drawing

The combination of Ken’s & Cindy’s drawings

the colourised version

How our logo/banner came about
Prior to 1997 there was a new “modern look” logo in use which didn’t really say much about who we are or what we do. After the the Joondalup Festival the committee decided that we needed to go back to basics a bit. As the new Town Crier editor at the time I was looking through the WAFF office and unearthed 2 items. One was a drawing by the late Ken Ferguson which was used as the logo for the National Folk Festival in 1978. The other was a silk screen of Swans and instruments which was used for a tee shirt design for the 1990 Toodyay Folk Festival.
I had no idea who had designed the T-shirt art work but at the Wanneroo Folk Club a couple of years ago I discovered that this mystery artist was a lady by the name of Cindy Stonor-McClean, a long time supporter of the WAFF and folk music in WA. I liked the look of both drawings since they had a connection to both folk music and Western Australia. So after much scanning and fiddling on my computer I combined the two drawings into one and a new logo was born. Over time it evolved with the adding of a bit of colour. The banner at the top of our new pages has better definition and is the latest version.

WELCOME to the West Australian Folk Federation (WAFF)

Welcome to the pages of the WA Folk Federation.
The WAFF was established in 1970 with the principle aim of promoting Folk Music and Dance in WA and attracting the National Folk Festival to WA which we hosted in 1978 in Fremantle & 1985 at The University of WA. The National Folk Festival, held over the Easter Weekend, is now located in Canberra with a featured state each year.
We became an incorporated body in 1974. We serve the entire state, although predominantly the Perth Metro area, and have done so for more than five decades. The WAFF is working now to reinvigorate itself and redefine its role in promotion of folk performing arts in Western Australia, including music, dance, yarns and poetry. In the coming months we promise many new and exciting developments. Join us as we work to elevate understanding and appreciation for folk music, poetry, dance, and story-telling.

On 24th November 2025 we had our AGM where we voted unanimously for Carmel Charlton and Eric Hancock to become Life Members. This decision was made due to the outstanding effort of running Jackadders Music Club for over 20 years. Also Carmel has a massive portfolio of songs she has written performed and recorded highlighting Western Australia. We felt this was a well deserved accolade.
We also voted in a new committee, which was a bit of a shuffle of personnel. Phil Gray is the new Chairperson, John Ralph is back as Vice Chair, Rob Oats stays on as immediate past chair. Check out the details by clicking on the committee tab.

In 2021 we came together with Hillarys Boat Harbour to present the 2nd Folk on the Water Festival running over the whole weekend 16th & 17th October. We will once again showcased West Australian talent with a diverse array of acoustic styles. For info on the acts click on the tab on this page.

WAFF Affiliated Folk Clubs

WAFF supports new and existing WA Folk Clubs through affiliation. Affiliated clubs can receive benefits though WAFF such as APRA license fees and other assistance. Affiliated clubs are asked to pay WAFF a small membership fee yearly to help cover expenses for club license coverage. WAFF can and sometimes does help with managing clubs and finding performers.

If you would like to start a folk club we are here to help you!

Currently one club is officially run under the banner of the WAFF (Wanneroo Folk Club &amp) and a number of others are affiliated.
Breaking News: in February 2025 we are starting up a new music club in Guildford called Swan Acoustic. It will be at the Swan Bowling Club, 9 Attfield St, Guildford WA 6055. It will be an acoustic Blackboard style club. It will be run on 3rd Friday each month. We thanks Phil & Yvonne Gray for getting this up and running. For more info email us at wafolk@hotmail.com. We will set up aanother page soon with more details.

Wanneroo Folk Club (in Warwick)
2nd Friday of the month

Dorchester Hall, 2 Dugdale St, Warwick.
Find us on Google Maps here
Entry price varies:
Guest Nights $12 ($10 WAFF Members).
Doors open: 7:00pm, Music from 7:30pm
Come-All-Ye nights $8 ($5 WAFF)
For more info and performers Email: Rob Oats

Ken’s Drawing

The combination of Ken’s & Cindy’s drawings

the colourised version

How our logo/banner came about
Prior to 1997 there was a new “modern look” logo in use which didn’t really say much about who we are or what we do. After the the Joondalup Festival the committee decided that we needed to go back to basics a bit. As the new Town Crier editor at the time I was looking through the WAFF office and unearthed 2 items. One was a drawing by the late Ken Ferguson which was used as the logo for the National Folk Festival in 1978. The other was a silk screen of Swans and instruments which was used for a tee shirt design for the 1990 Toodyay Folk Festival.
I had no idea who had designed the T-shirt art work but at the Wanneroo Folk Club a couple of years ago I discovered that this mystery artist was a lady by the name of Cindy Stonor-McClean, a long time supporter of the WAFF and folk music in WA. I liked the look of both drawings since they had a connection to both folk music and Western Australia. So after much scanning and fiddling on my computer I combined the two drawings into one and a new logo was born. Over time it evolved with the adding of a bit of colour. The banner at the top of our new pages has better definition and is the latest version.