WA Folk Clubs, Groups and Festivals
Please note that the information on this page is only as good as the info provided by the clubs, groups & festivals.
This as a service to the folk fraternity and we don’t check the details unless someone tells us of errors & corrections.
Please send corrected info to me at and I will make it right!
This as a service to the folk fraternity and we don’t check the details unless someone tells us of errors & corrections.
Please send corrected info to me at and I will make it right!

Wanneroo Folk Music Club in Warwick
Cnr Dorchester Ave & Dugdale St, Warwick
2nd Fri 7 pm. Entry price varies:
Come-All-Ye nights $8 ($5 WAFF)
Feature artist Nights $12 ($10 WAFF Members).
Specila Guest nights $15 ($12 WAFF Members)
Email: Rob Oats
For more info click the tab at the top of the page.
2nd Fri 7 pm. Entry price varies:
Come-All-Ye nights $8 ($5 WAFF)
Feature artist Nights $12 ($10 WAFF Members).
Specila Guest nights $15 ($12 WAFF Members)
Email: Rob Oats
For more info click the tab at the top of the page.

Hills Folk Club
Falls Farm, Cagney Way, Lesmurdie.
1st Friday, 8 pm
( Pauline Tonkin-Saunders 9291 6026
1st Friday, 8 pm
( Pauline Tonkin-Saunders 9291 6026

Mundaring Folk’n’Blues Club

Scottish Stramash
Scottish Stramash’s’ mission’ is embracing Scottish music in WA. Run by Fiona Davidson and Linda Gauld, fiddlers from the North East of Scotland, they started their very first “session” 4 years ago. If you play the accordion, fiddle, whistle, guitar, or bodhran, or maybe you’re a singer, join us as we embrace the bonny tunes of Scotland. All levels of musicianship will be made very welcome.

Mandurah blue grass jam sessions

Greenbushes Acoustic
RSL Hall in Greenbushes
3rd Sunday 1:30 and 3:30pm
Lee on 0491 009 134 or Irma on 0466 640 455
3rd Sunday 1:30 and 3:30pm
Lee on 0491 009 134 or Irma on 0466 640 455

Perth International Dance
Dalkeith Hall, 99 Waratah Avenue, Dalkeith
Monday 6:45 pm – More Advanced Dance – $9/$7
Saturday 1:45 pm – Regular Dance – $9/$7
East Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club, Jerrat Drive, East Fremantle
Mondays 12:30 pm (during school terms) – Regular Dance – $15
Glen Forrest Hall, cnr Statham St and Marnie Rd.
Friday 9.30 am – $9/$7
South Perth Senior Citizen Centre – Coode St
Sunday 5:00 pm – Easy International to Challenging Israeli – $10
Please check on-line before attending
Monday 6:45 pm – More Advanced Dance – $9/$7
Saturday 1:45 pm – Regular Dance – $9/$7
East Fremantle Lawn Tennis Club, Jerrat Drive, East Fremantle
Mondays 12:30 pm (during school terms) – Regular Dance – $15
Glen Forrest Hall, cnr Statham St and Marnie Rd.
Friday 9.30 am – $9/$7
South Perth Senior Citizen Centre – Coode St
Sunday 5:00 pm – Easy International to Challenging Israeli – $10
Please check on-line before attending

Grand Bal de Chidlow
Chidlow Hall, 2130 Old Northam Rd, Chidlow WA 6556,
A French Bal dance (like a bush dance) on the second Saturday of every second month 5pm
(Emmanuelle Daw 0490 338 254
A French Bal dance (like a bush dance) on the second Saturday of every second month 5pm
(Emmanuelle Daw 0490 338 254

Rose & Wattle Country Dance
(16th Century to the present day)
2nd & 4th Wednesday evening, 7 – 9
( Karen Ford 0439 844 024,
email: reefm@iinet.net.au
https://www.facebook.com.roseandwattle | Rose & Wattle Country Dancers
2nd & 4th Wednesday evening, 7 – 9
( Karen Ford 0439 844 024,
email: reefm@iinet.net.au
https://www.facebook.com.roseandwattle | Rose & Wattle Country Dancers

Nannup Music festival
March Labour Day long weekend

Fairbridge Festival
April WA School Holidays

Denmark Festival of Voice

WA Poets Inc

Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann
Townsend Road, Subiaco.
every Monday night. Lessons from 8 pm to 9.30, followed by a music session in the bar. Beginners should contact
( Sean Doherty 9455 1303.
every Monday night. Lessons from 8 pm to 9.30, followed by a music session in the bar. Beginners should contact
( Sean Doherty 9455 1303.

Toodyay Music Club
CWA Hall at 7pm
2nd Friday, $3 per adult and includes tea, coffee etc
( Teddy and Spencer on 95744492 , Kathy on 95742923 after 4.30pm
2nd Friday, $3 per adult and includes tea, coffee etc
( Teddy and Spencer on 95744492 , Kathy on 95742923 after 4.30pm

Marlee Morris
Seaward Guide Hall, 121 Monash Avenue, Nedlands
7pm to 9pm 1st & 3rd Wednesdays
( Alison Scott
email: marleemorris@morris.org.au
web: http://marleemorris.morris.org.au
7pm to 9pm 1st & 3rd Wednesdays
( Alison Scott
email: marleemorris@morris.org.au
web: http://marleemorris.morris.org.au

Perth Morris Men
currently in semi-recess
( Terry Sweet 0413 800 020
email: squire@perthmorrismen.org
web: http://perthmorrismen.org/
( Terry Sweet 0413 800 020
email: squire@perthmorrismen.org
web: http://perthmorrismen.org/

Mad Tatters Morris
Guildford Town Hall
Tuesday evening from 7 PM to 9 PM
( 9279 8778,
web: https://madtattersmorris.org//
Tuesday evening from 7 PM to 9 PM
( 9279 8778,
web: https://madtattersmorris.org//

Fair Maids of Perth
North-West Morris dancing.
Meet fortnightly 1.30 to 3.30pm on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
Seaward Guide Hall, 121 Monash Ave, Nedlands
Email: Joyce fantasia66@hotmail.com or Phone: 08 9228 4962
Web: http://fairmaidsofperth.dance
Meet fortnightly 1.30 to 3.30pm on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
Seaward Guide Hall, 121 Monash Ave, Nedlands
Email: Joyce fantasia66@hotmail.com or Phone: 08 9228 4962
Web: http://fairmaidsofperth.dance

Kangaroo Kloggers Klub (Appalacian)
Scout Hall, Jersey St, Wembley.
Every Sunday 3 pm
( Gina 9377 6105
Every Sunday 3 pm
( Gina 9377 6105

Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners Association
7pm 1st Friday of each month
26 Plantation Dve, Bentley (The Auditorium at “Swancare”)
info: www.wabushpoets.asn.au
26 Plantation Dve, Bentley (The Auditorium at “Swancare”)
info: www.wabushpoets.asn.au

Irish Set Dancing:
Last Sunday monthly, Woodbridge,
6 pm Ken and Connie 9274 5170
6 pm Ken and Connie 9274 5170

Scottish Dance Groups
Tartan Dancers,
St Stephen’s Church Hall, Cnr Kishorn/McKenzie Rd Applecross
1 pm. Dawn Cromb 0414 859 393
St Peter’s & Emmaus Church Hall, cnr Green/Banksia St, Joondanna
8 pm. Dawn Cromb 0414 859 393
Tartan Dancers,
St Stephen’s Church Hall, Cnr Kishorn/McKenzie Rd Applecross
1 pm. Dawn Cromb 0414 859 393
St Peter’s & Emmaus Church Hall, cnr Green/Banksia St, Joondanna
8 pm. Dawn Cromb 0414 859 393
Kalamunda SCDC: Jack Healey Centre, Cr Mead St/Canning Road, Kalamunda.
7:30 pm Bill Head 0417 963 058
Rockingham SCDC: The Scout Hall, Wanliss St, Rockingham.
7.30 pm Cathy Sharkey 9592 4987
St Stephens SCDC: St Stephens Church Hall, Cr Kishorn/Mckenzie Rd, Applecross.
7.30 pm Carol Phillips 0408 629 571
Kalamunda SCDC: Jack Healey Centre, Cr Mead St/Canning Road, Kalamunda.
7:30 pm Bill Head 0417 963 058
Rockingham SCDC: The Scout Hall, Wanliss St, Rockingham.
7.30 pm Cathy Sharkey 9592 4987
St Stephens SCDC: St Stephens Church Hall, Cr Kishorn/Mckenzie Rd, Applecross.
7.30 pm Carol Phillips 0408 629 571
Royal Scottish Country Dance Soc:
1st Sat Monthly “Hop” Royal Park Hall,
Royal Scottish Country Dance Soc:
1st Sat Monthly “Hop” Royal Park Hall,

Unaccompanied Singers & Reciters Club
for location and times please contact
( Ken Kenny 9274 5170
( Ken Kenny 9274 5170

Uilliean Pipers Group
2nd Monday, for location please contact
( Ormande Waters 9331 6141
( Ormande Waters 9331 6141