Originally run by Bob & Maureen Rummery and Don & Judith Shaw. The club is now run by John Ralph & Rob Oats with a merry band of helpers under the sponsorship of the WA Folk Federation.
It is a small and friendly club promoting acoustic music and those that perform it. The range of styles is quite varied but related to Folk in its many forms. Performers often comment how nice it is to play to an audience that listens and we encourage the audience to not talk while the performers are singing except to join in the choruses in full harmony.
On Come-All-Ye nights we have a list for performers to register as they arrive. We can fit in 8-10 acts with 3 songs MAX and if we get more acts then we may cut it to 2 songs. These are the nights when anyone can have ago, no PA or amps, purely acoustic, all we ask is that you have got your act together and have timed your bracket so it is no longer than the prescribed time. The format gives people who don’t often get up a chance to play a song or 3 and or for the more seasoned to try out new songs to an appreciative and attentive audience. Non playing audience is always encouraged and appreciated.
On Guest nights we have a headline act and a few support acts
2nd Friday of the month
Doors open: 7:00pm, Music from 7:30pm
Entry price varies:
Come-All-Ye nights $8 ($5 WAFF)
Guest Nights $12 ($10 WAFF Members).
To perform Email: Rob Oats
Dorchester Hall, 2 Dugdale St, Warwick. (cnr Dorchester Ave)
Find us on Google Maps here
December 13th
Annual Windup
The WAFF & WFC committee get to play a few songs and tunes to end the year. We will be featuring the Aussie songs of Warralakin, hear the Music, Smell the Dust, Listen to the Stories. Phil and Yvonne Gray are Warralakin. Phil has lived and worked in the wilds of Western Australia and has a lifetime of Story, Song and Verse that reflect an Australian way of life. The Rambling Bilbies consisting of Rob & Jill Oats, have been playing an eclectic mix of Acoustic original and other songs and tunes from Australia and beyond. More info at www.thebilbies.com.au The Western Song Birds are Carmel Charlton and Lynda Martin who both sing, harmonize & play guitar. They write songs award winning songs about Australia. And special guests The Sunset Coast Shanty Crew wowed audiences at the Shanty festivals earlier on the year, be prepared to sing along.
Bring a plate of finger food to share at the tea/coffee break.
January 10th A come-all-Ye to greet the New Year
February 14th – Ken Kenny and the 5 Star Trio
March 14th – Enda Kelly all the way from Ireland
Doors open 7 pm for a 7:30 start
Tea & coffee provided, for other refreshment bring your own
Admission for the Come=all-Ye: $8 ($5 WAFF Members) Cash is preferred, Card facilities will be available.
Dorchester Hall, 2 Dugdale cnr Dorchester Ave, Warwick.
If you want more info please Email: wafolk@hotmail.com or check www.wafolk.org.au
Wanneroo Folk Club 9th Feb 2024
What a brilliant night of music. It was very warm when we opened the doors to set up but thankfully we came armed with a couple of portable air conditioners to cool the room before the audience arrived. We had the biggest audience for quite a while to see the second performance of “Sundown: the songs of Gordon Lightfoot” featuring Wayne Perry and Ian Simpson. These are 2 extremely talented musicians who have been on the scene for many years. You may remember them with Bluegrass Parkway, the City Slickers, SNAC’s and more, Wayne on vocals, 6 & 12 string guitars and Ian playing amazing banjo, dobro and 6 string guitars and harmony vocals showed just how good they are with two hours in two 45 minute sets of songs and a bit of history as well. There were the well-known songs which had the audience joining in and a few of the lesser known songs which it was really nice to hear. It was a totally acoustic show which predominantly worked well especially when the room cooled down and we turned off one of the A/C’s and the big fan. It is nice that predominantly the audience listened to the music and kept the chatter for the breaks. We are currently working with Wayne and Ian to do another show later in the year with a reprise of their John Denver show. Keep an eye out for it. It was very successfully performed last year and will be a treat to see it at the Wanneroo Folk Club.

Wanneroo Folk Club 14th July 2023
We had a wonderful variety of performers for our Come-all-Ye. We bumped up the song count to 4 each. Unfortunately the heater was not cooperating but the music was and audience warmed the night.
Rob Oats was the MC for the night although the list made it easy for everyone to know where they would be playing.
Rob broke the ice and opened the night with his quota with songs from Cat Stevens, Otis Redding, Cyril Tawny and Ralph McTell. Next up we welcomed Dick Wilkinson to the stage with a few songs from the traditional and blues genres. David Beatie was next up with a variety of classical tunes and more blues songs. Stan the Man closed the first half with his his rendition of songs and tunes.
the tea break and raffle was followed by another welcome performer in Peter Bugden sporting a brand new guitar and who always gives us a nice set of songs. Ron Cameron was next up. Ron has had a bit of time off from singing but still gave us a couple of good renditions. We closed the night with Carmel Charlton and Lynda Martin with a bit of harmonious Australiana which everyone was encouraged to join in. Overall it was a good night and hopefully next month Joondalup maintenance people will have fixed the heater.
Wanneroo Folk Club 12th May 2023
14th April Whiskey Jack was our feature artist who regaled us with Story songs predominantly of his own composition. Support acts were Richard Mortimer and Warralakin.
Warralakin open the evening with a selection of songs highlighting the Australian outback. They have a new CD almost ready for sale and songs from the album featured in the selection. As usual Phil & Yvonne gave a professional performance with humour and good fun along with the good musicianship. Whiskey Jack was welcomed to the stage and presented songs with stories. Jack has a laid back presentation playing guitar and banjo to accompany his songs. His introduction give an good insight into his compositions. His talent shone out tonight. After the break Richard took to the stage and also gave us a few of his own songs. This is possibly the best I’ve him perform and this set was well appreciated. Whiskey Jack came back to finish the night off with more of his wonderful songs. A good night of excellent music.
Wanneroo Folk Club 10th March 2023
Harley+Brown, was our feature artist. A pair of singer-songwriters who recently teamed up in 2022 to co-write and perform songs that connect with audiences at a deeply emotional level.
The night was started with a duo that made the trek from Rockingham. Fat Mosely’s Little Big Band, Peta Rey and Scott Moseley, play up tempo songs and tunes with energy to burn. With Banjo and Accordion they gave us a foot tapping set of songs and tunes that got the night off to a good start. Harley and Brown were next up. The duo consisting of Tim Harley (vocals and guitar) and Suzanne Brown (keyboard, Bass and vocals). They gave us a nice mix of their songs with good introductions. They highlighted songs from their new CD “lost” which is now available from one of the music streaming apps that don’t pay enough in royalties to performers.
After the tea break Rob Oats did a few of his own songs which he doesn’t do very often, Thanks to the audience for the positive response. Harley and Brown finished the night with another set of their own material. Overall a good night of musical entertainment and variety. It was a pity that there were not more people to appreciate the quality of musicians that we have in our community. Our feature artist for February was Marcus Sturrock but we’ll get to him later. Opening the night we had son & father Joe & John Ralph who go by the name Duality. Joe opened with a selection of contemporary folk/popular songs from years gone by before John joined him with his mandolin and a more folky lilt. A very enjoyable set. Our 2nd act for the night was , a well-known bush poet & yarn spinner, Stinger popped along to our come-a-ye last month and since we haven’t seen him for many, many years he was invited to do a few items this month. His selection went down very well, I especially liked his rendition of a Bob Hudson story. The Come-All-Ye was all you could hope for and more to start the new year. We had 10 performers on the list within 10 minutes of opening the doors! By the time we started the shuffling was on as more turned up. With John in New Zealand the MC duties came down to Rob who opened the show with a medley of 2 songs. David Beatie followed with some delta blues I liked the Big Bill Broonzy song. A new face at Wanneroo was next up with Steve Benson. Steve took a break from performing but you wouldn’t have noticed. regular performer for this format is Dick Wilkinson with his finger picking and humour, guaranteed to get a laugh. Down from Merriwa Music club next up with Rich Mortimar and few nicely presented songs and to finish the 1st half we had The String Pickers (Phil Roeterdink & Alan Mann) with some wonderful songs. A rollicking good night with the Wanneroo Folk Choir in full voice for the 2022 wind up. John Ralph set the bar high with 3 songs and some humour and got the voices warmed up early. David Beatie followed with a few songs and tunes, I especially like his Pink Floyd instrumental. Warralakin was the featured Artist for the night. Phil and Josh did the first set of their Aussie flavoured songs as only they can do. They roped in Jill for a bit of Flute of what is possibly their signature song Warralakin Bin. What a night it was. Just 2 acts for the night but they certainly had the talent and entertainment factor. Opening the evening was Bev Abela Trio (Bev with Nick Northcott & Suzanne Brown). It was a lively set overall with some of Bev’s songs and a couple of covers. The addition of Suzanne’s harmonies and of course Nicks lead guitar enhanced Bev’s vocals very well. As advertised we had a fun night with 8 acts each with their own style. I like the not knowing beforehand as to what we will get.
We opened proceedings with Dick Wilkinson, one of the most knowledgeable singers around the Perth scene, he tells stories about the stories in song. Following up a complete change of style With Phil & Yvonne Gray, who broke the rule with an amp for Yvonne’s Uke Bass. Phil gave us Aussie songs from the bush with his usual banter and the bass capped it off nicely. Bill Cullen was next up with a set of contemporary songs. Lee Shore fresh from the Albany Shanty & Folk Festival finished the first half with a journey on the sea with some Stan Rogers songs. A smaller crowd turned up this month for a good night of predominantly Scottish songs and tunes. What a night it was. We had both support acts drop out at the last moment so with no time to confirm John & Rob stepped up with a few songs.
Well, our Come All Ye was really that. Ten performers provided an eclectic mix of music which was fully appreciated by a large and enthusiastic audience. With the lifting of restrictions I thought we may get a few more people rolling up this month but unfortunately this was not the case. The small audience that did venture out were treated to some excellent music. The Wanneroo Folk Club on the 11th February went ahead with restrictions as suggested by the Government and council guidelines. Masks, social distance and hand sanitizer did not deter a large audience. First act for the night was the MC John Ralph as there was no one wanting to take floor spots. Next up was Diana Keegan our club secretary. Diana does not play very often but when she does it makes you realise just how good she is. A crystal clear voice gave us songs from Pete Seeger, Evita and ABBA. Which the crowd loved. To start the year we had a Come-all-Ye and it was a very relaxed night with 11 acts doing their thing with the audience singing along to anything they knew. What an exceptional night of music, fun, laugher and socialising for our annual windup. It was all that we hoped for and more. Well what a night of Scottish music. Opening with Ali MacKerron and his bagpipes. Ali is a mighty fine pipe player but accidently left is small pipes at home and I’m not convinced that the venue can handle the volume. He did play them very well. Thanks Ed for the review this month. Thanks to lots of festival activity the number were a little down. Thanks to Andre who filled in at the last minute and not expecting to perform. Also thanks to Phil for twiddling the sound desk while the Bilbies played and for Yvonne who took the Bilbies photos. For those who have already lost interest in the Footie we had a wonderful night of music at the Wanneroo Folk Club this month. If you weren’t there you missed a night of good entertainment. Opening with Rob Phillips from the Nanga Festival committee with a few of his own songs, next with a few Paul Simon songs was Terry who was joined by the wife Trish.
Bev Abela was the feature artist for the night and regaled us with stories of her life and loves and sorrows. I really enjoyed their performance.
After the tea break we had Richard with a few songs and Nick from the band gave us a few instrumental versions of popular songs. The guitar work was tender at time and fast at others with good skill.
Bev and the band finished off the night with more songs and stories with a bit of audience participation, the Wanneroo crowd always like to join in!
July saw a Come-all-Ye format for the first time in quite a while, a last minute change due to restrictions and other external things. It turned out to be a cold and damp night outside but a warm and musical one indoors. A good turn out considering the inclement weather and restriction imposed due to COVID. With no PA we had quick turn arounds between performers which made a smooth running night. Mc for the night was John Ralph, who was originally booked in Albany but the festival got postponed. A good crowd turned out for a good night of music. Nice to see so many familiar faces and a few new ones. With Fairbridge on this weekend we thought a Sing-a-Round was the way to go since a lot of folk would be going down to the Festival. The March meeting of the Wanneroo folk club saw a small but enthusiastic crowd in attendance. The music as usual was good and varied. The emerging duo of Bill Cullen and David Beattie kicked off the night with songs by Chris Isaak and Sting as well as others. Their blend of steel string and nylon string guitars with Bills soulful voice creates a
wonderful smooth sound. Annual Christmas wind up was a night to remember. With the promise of a bit of singing along a reasonable crowd signed in with SafeWA and took their seats. I did find it amazing how a few actually complained but we live in strange times. The penultimate club night for a very strange 2020. The guest act for the night was The Hive Mind, a coming together of Rachel Armstrong, Dave Johnson & Phoebe Corke. We had a good crowd at Wanneroo Folk Club (in Warwick) this month. Nice to see people starting to get out to enjoy a bit of music. Spring has sprung and an good crowd came out for a good night of music and frivolity, Covid safe of course. Opening the night we had Jerome and Leslie Toonen singing a few songs. Next was the launch of Jamie McKinnon’s now CD “Flying Geese” accompanied by friends John Ralph, Fiona Davidson & Ali MacKerron. A bracket of mainly Scottish Songs mostly from the new CD. The audience joined in with a few songs and the instrumentation was wonderful. First post COVID Lockdown guest night and an appreciative crowd came to be entertained by some talented performers. Opening the evening was David Beatie with a few tunes from popular songs in classical guitar style. Next up was Mike Tarca who is visiting family and got stranded here due to travel restrictions, a nice set of songs accompanied by his feet percussion and the monster accordion. The bushy Phil Gray was next with some Australiana with a special addition of Bob Rummery for the last song. Last of the 1st half floor spots was The Rambling Bilbies performing Rob’s songs that don’t come out very often plus a new one. The air was as sharp as a barbers razor but when you walk into the Wanneroo Folk Club’s singaround the atmosphere was warmed with friends and those we haven’t met yet. A depleted crowd probably due to the news reports of the last couple of weeks scaring people away from gatherings. You should have been here to hear the 4 quality acts. Live music is a great way to raise the spirits and boy do we need that at the moment, you just need to take precautions (and I know lots of folk are going to bucket me for that comment, don’t bother, I’ve heard them all).
We opened the night with “Espresso”. I thought they were a duo but as the say goes there is more, they added percussion. a very enjoyable bracket of self compositions, nice harmonies and guitar work.
Next we had “Hot Toddy” back again with their Scottish and self penned tunes. A nice balance of instruments and commentary, it is nice to know the story behind the tunes.
Our MC John Ralph has a new CD out and he gave us a snap shot of it with some lovely songs he has written, good words and guitar.
Finally We were trying to Josh Gray’s band but they were unavailable so Josh roped in his old man Phil (who kept his birthday secret) and the amazing song writer Alan Man. So “Waralakin Blues & Browngrass” hit the stage instead. The joked their way through a wonderful set of songs with gentle jibes at each other to the amusement of all. The explanation of the band name was hilarious.
Overall it was a night worth being there for, bit hard to hear it from the isolation of the lounge room.
Next month dust off a couple of songs for either a Sing-a-Round or a Come-all-Ye where performers and audience are always welcome and the reduced fee to get in makes it even more attractive. 40 degree day again but luckily the sea breeze cooled things down a little, untlll the music started! An almost full house were presented with just 2 acts last night but those 2 acts provided some magnificent entertainment.
First up was Jane and the Rain launching their new CD. Jane Cornes sang with her wonderful voice and the Rain behind provided excellent backing.
Next up was Dan Walsh from UK on a very busy tour of WA. What he does with the banjo is pretty amazing from Irish traditional to super fast bluegrass and ballads. And then he swapped over to Guitar for a couple of songs and proved he is not just a one instrument man. His rendition of Paul Simon’s “Just call me Al: was blisteringly good.
Great night despite the warmth of the day. But wait because next month we have Hot Toddy doing the Scottish/Celtic and Waralakin Blue & Browngrass, a trio of Phil & Josh Gray and Alan Man. This is going to be another roller coaster of music styles!
Nice to see a few new faces to our sing-a-round nights. The fans were twirling overhead to keep the air moving and overall it was a night of good songs although the mood was a little affected by the Fires burning around Australia (climate change, what climate change?). I love these nights, we get to see more performers even if the songs numbers are limited to fit everyone in. Another stinker outside and the fans were running on full but it didn’t deter the crowd to party out the last show for the year. As has been the thing for the last few years The WAFF/WFC committee got to strut their stuff. The Rambling Bilbies opened the night with one of my own (Jasmin which went down a treat) an shortened version of Here comes the Sun (Sorry Amanda and Jill I missed the repeat) and finishing with Silent Night partnered with On a Starlit Night and Gina Williams & Guy Ghouse’s translation Bedik-Bedik Kedalak (Silent night in Noongar language) with a choir of audience joining in. A Hot Day but the night cooled down. The music was hot. MC John Ralph introduced Kaylyn Jean, a young singer/songwriter who is certainly on the way to making a name for herself. She has a song on JJJ Unearthed which is getting some attention and her set tonight was full of good songs and she sings them very well, I heard several comments about the quality of her voice, it was very easy to listen to. What a show! We may have only had 2 acts but they stunning performers and the almost full house crowd loved it. Can’t say much more than “brilliant night at the Wanneroo Folk Club”.
An abundance of talent on display starting with Green Herring and a few of their own songs Colin Smiley gave us a tune followed by a new comer in Sarah Curran, first time at the club and probably not used to an audience that listens to the performers. Excellent guitar work and lovely vocals, come again Sarah. Wonderful music at the club this month. Our planned floor spot was taken ill so we had to make do with the guys who organise things. The organising people prefer to stay in the background and showcase the local talent but occasionally they on stage to show their talent when the need arises. Opening up was Jamie McKinnon, he played 3 lovely songs done very well and the audience as usual joined in the choruses. Our MC John Ralph followed with a similarly classy act and a bit more chorus singing. Next up the main act was Among the Pigeons. They gave a spirited performance which was enjoyed by all. They haven’t lost any of the quality of performance with the new lineup. After the break the new group on the block was Trio Fáilte, we’ve these ladies in other formats and this trio certainly didn’t disappoint. Jamie commented that whenever we have traditional fiddle the crowd goes off and tonight was no different. Finishing off the night “Among the Pigeons” came back with another set, these guys delighted the audience with a good variety of songs done really well. Cold and wet? Not at Wanneroo last night. A few people missing due to illness bought mild panic to John as he rustled up some replacement performers. John Ralph Opened with a song and then introduced Willy Woodbine who dropped in from Pickering Brook and was press ganged into a few songs, I love the lay-back presentation. David Cutler was next up with his usual lovely guitar and voice. Raelene Bruinsma Trio (minus one) was the main act and gave us a bracket of mythical love making of the Gods and Deities and a variety of other songs accompanied by Alex on guitar and cello. What can one say? Another music fest with variety abounding. The floor spots opened the night with Jerome and Lesley Toonan, nice set of songs and tunes. This was followed by a new comer in Tamsin Black, a little nervous but she warmed up, nine voice and is possibly one to watch as she gains confidence. Guest artists were the Red Sea Pedestrians who finished the first half with an array of songs and tunes from around Europe and beyond, mainly in a Klezmer style. Second half saw Grave Spin with Willy and Fred playing covers of well know artists from years gone by, The audience did the usual and joined in with gusto, a good fun bracket, and yes that is a rubbish bin for Bass, a new version of the tea chest bass. Red Sea Pedestrians finished the night with another rousing set of songs and tunes. A most enjoyable night’s entertainment.
Wanneroo Folk Club 10th February 2023
With a change-up from the normal order of things we had the tea break and then welcomed Marcus to the stage to finish the night. I haven’t seen Marcus for quite a while since he now resides in Tasmania. He had a selection of microphones and pickups providing a nice crisp sound from his guitars. Nice to see another Rad Brashaw instrument on stage and Marcus plays it beautifully. His selection of tunes and the stories behind them was well balanced and went down a treat with the audience.Wanneroo Folk Club 13th January 2023
After a major shuffle of the acts due to more turning up the 2nd half started with Bill Cullen singing a selection of songs. next up was Stan who was joined by Sue who came down from York. Another person we haven’t seen for a while was Willy Woodbine who was joined by the doo Woop girls (Carmel & Lynda). Another blast from the past Stinger the Bush Poet and singer gave us a couple of good renditions. The also from Merriwa we had Al Riebau with his autoharp. Carmel and Lynda did a shortened bracket and to finish the night in style Warralakin played us out. It was a great night with lots of Wanneroo Choir singing along in the choruses as usual. We may need to amend the structure a little in future to allow for more performers, we ran a little late.December 2022
After the Tea break with lots of yummy food Carmel Charlton & Lynda Martin gave us another chance to sing along. Their voices and harmonies are a treat to the ears and work very well together. To finish the night Warralakin came back as a Quintet with the addition of Yvonne, Jill & Rob and lots of energy. A high power selection of blues, jazz, bluegrass, a waltz and finishing with a Christmas song for all to join in. The audience was even dancing down the back!November 2022
Then came the chaos that is Dingos Breakfast. I love listening to these extremely talented artists. For this performance they were joined by David Browne and David Clarke providing the fine touch on mandolin and fiddle and harmonies. Being Remembrance Day they gave us songs to remind us of the what the day stand for. Their arrangement of well-known Australian songs is legendary and their own songs and curses are insightful to say the least. We always have fun when the Dingos are in town and tonight was no exception.
Wanneroo Folk Club October 2022
After a tea break and a chat the second half was opened with a surprise tune from John Ralph plus a couple of songs done in a way only John can do so well. Stan the Man was next with his dapper dress style and big guitar giving us a variety of country songs. Richard Mortimer came down from Merriwa to present a few more contemporary songs of various genres. Rob & Jill finished the night with cunningly disguised protest songs and a sort of love ballad.Wanneroo Folk Club September 2022
Jamie McKinnon opened the evening off with the help of John Ralph, our esteemed MC. It’s been a while since Jamie played for us and it was good to have him back.
The feature act for the night was Fortriu, a trio who came together at the Scottish Stramash sessions. The band consists of Phil Roeterdink whom many Wanneroo regulars will know from his previous bands such Blackboy Jam & Loaded Dog as well as his solo appearances at the club over many years. Graeme Watt plays with Gallus Ceildh Band and the Perth Metro Pipe Band and Ian Cooper is also with the Pipe band. They didn’t disappoint, their combined talents came across very well with a well honed performance. I’m sure we will see more from these guys in the future.Wanneroo Folk Club August 2022
A good crowd came for an entertaining night of music and they weren’t disappointed. The night started with John gave us some of his own songs to rapturous applause.
The featured artist this month was Bluegrass Parkway with a reputation as probably the best Bluegrass band in Australia. They performed as usual with the on microphone and there deft skill moving in and out of range was brilliant, not once did they collide with each other as they presented their Kentucky Bluegrass music. Their reputation was never on the line as they gave us plenty of banter and laughs in between the music. It was nice seeing Mick Patrick in the band who moved over from Queensland, you may remember him from a previous tour, the Company’s loss was BGP’s gain.
After the tea break and raffle two of The Rambling Bilbies presented some country folk songs from Guy Clark, John Williamson and Paul Simon.
To close the night Bluegrass whiled the night away with people singing along whenever they had the chance. Thanks for the wonderful music.Wanneroo Folk Club July 2022
Nobody wanted to play first so John Ralph stepped into the breach giving us “What you do with what you’ve got” by Si Khan and then following with two of his own songs about “Jandamarra” and “Songlines” to recognise Naidoc week.
Next up was 14 year old Simran Chhabra who gave us acapella renditions of songs such as Rolling in the Deep and Hallelujah. She sang and performed with great confidence.
The inimitable Colin Smiley gave us tunes on his harmonicas. Nellie the Elephant bought back memories for a lot of people!
David Beattie gave us contemporary songs by McCartney and Bruce Cockburn and Robert Johnson.
Carol Marshall gave us beautiful acapella renditions of “She Moved through the Fair” and “Through the Long Night” by Billy Joel.
Rob Oats finished the first half with two songs; “L.A. Freeway” and the lovely John Williams song “Cootamundra Wattle”.
To start the second half Rob Phillips gave us a poem and a great rendition of a pirate song which had the crowd singing along.
Next up was a treat. Phil Roeterdink, Ian Cooper and Graeme Watt have connections with Loaded Dog, Gallus and the Perth Metro Pipe Band They met at the regular Stramash meetings and have now formed Fortriu. This 3-piece band played tunes and songs accompanied by Whistles guitars and Bodrhan. The playing was tight, and I am sure we will be hearing a lot more from them.
Stan the Man travelled down to give us a couple of country songs. With a new guitar he was entertaining as usual.
To finish off this excellent night Carmel and Lynda’s harmonising gave us songs that the audience joined in to round off a wonderful night.Wanneroo Folk Club June 2022
This month we had a Craig Sinclair and David Hyams as our feature artists. We had a good turn out to welcome Craig, who is over from Sydney for a whirlwind tour.
The evening opened with David Beatie with his classical style guitar playing. He gave renditions of early and later Fleetwood Mac and Dire Straits. Carmel Charlton was next up with a few songs. We haven’t had Carmel on the bill for quite a while and it was a pleasure to hear her play her own songs.
Craig and David were next and presented songs that tell stories in a way only Craig can do. Craig’s song writing skills were presented with his smooth voice accompanied by exquisite guitar work it is a pleasure to hear and with the accompanied guitar and mandolin from David it was a wonderful set of songs. It is a pleasure to have these two excellent musicians perform for us.
After the break Phil Gray took to the stage with his bushy style of raw Australiana. He tells the stories of the outback. He was helped out with Jill on flute which added an extra dimension to the set. To finish off a very entertaining night of music Craig and David returned to the stage with another set of songs which left us wanting more. The large audience left with a warm glow after such a good night.
Next month (July 8th) we will have a Come-all-Ye so brush up some songs for an acoustic night of music.
May 2022
First up was Dick Wilkinson with his laid back style of blues and humour. I love to see Dick perform, his music flows effortlessly from his guitar, the twists and turns are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Due to the other 2 support acts becoming unavailable at the last moment John Ralph filled the breach with a few songs and as usual his professionalism shone through.
Next was the feature artist Ben Bulla. I have been waiting for some time to see Ben, reviews from previous appearance around town proved correct as he launched into his bracket with a eclectic mix of acoustic music from so many genres which still managed to fit into the folk category. He picks songs that are not usually played as well as some that we all know, all arranged to suit his style. The guitar work was excellent and his voice very smooth.
After the break the rather rusty sound man filled in with a few songs for the previous mentioned reasons. Ben returned for his second bracket and continued where he left off with songs from all over, I don’t recall hearing songs from Bob Dylan, Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin as well as many others all in one performance but all fitting into a wonderful acoustic set.
February 2022
Then up for their first set were The Stamps who are growing a large following on the folk scene. Their original songs were lovely with excellent lyrics and their cover versions of bands such as Fleetwood Mac showed their influences. The harmonies were to die for and the audience were enthralled by their performance.
After the break and the raffle Robert Graham took the stage. Back in WA for the last 2 years after living in his native Canada. Robert is a consummate performer and it was good to hear his original songs and the stories behind them.
The Stamps took the stage for their final set and left the audience with their lovely harmonies.
Within the current climate it was great to see such a large crowd and thanks must go to the WAFF team for making it a successful night.January 2022
Opening up the night was Rob Oats singing songs from 1965, 1957 & 1906 with styles of English contemporary folk & Delta Blues styles. Dick Wilkinson was next up and with his lovely finger picking style and renditions of a couple of Ewan McCall songs. Third up was David Beatie who introduced his singing a few months back along with his classical guitar style and once again gave us some songs from a couple of contemporary songwriters. Next was Colin Smiley with a few tunes and a surprise song, we don’t hear Colin sing very often but maybe we should. To finish the first half Luke and Tom under the name Antithesis. They gave us a couple of original songs accompanied with some excellent guitar work.
Te second half opened with Phil Roeterdink with some Australian songs including one of my favourites Johnny Stewart Drover. Stan the Man was next up with a few short instrumentals and a song. Following next was Ed Bettega with a couple of songs solo and was joined by Bill Cullen. Next was our MC John Ralph who sang unaccompanied with a drinking song. Closing the night was Phil Gray who started with another unaccompanied song which had a few members of the audience in fits of laughter, he finished off his set with his usual Aussie songs.
The Come-All-Ye format works well and will return in a few months time (probably April) so performers get 2 or 3 songs together and prepare for another night of relaxed fun and entertainment warts and all.December 2021
The night opened with Duality, the first of the father & son pairing. They played a few songs from their extensive repertoire with voices that go together with harmonies that that just resonate. They have been gigging around Perth and WA for a few years and it shows in their performance.
Next up a 6 piece version of Loaded Dog with another 2 father & son pairings with Alan & David Mann and Phil & Josh Gray. Along with Phil Roeterdink and Bob Rummery we were in for a treat of Aussie songs, banter and musicianship that works so well together. With original songs and songs found from WA’s history and beyond they kept the entertainment at a very high level.
The break was a rowdy affair as supper was served from BYO plates and everyone was catching up with the latest gossip.
After the break We had the immense pleasure of the Nomadics who drove up from the Margaret River fires. Consisting of husband and wife and later joined by daughter, David, Bec and Gracey gave us songs with harmonies that melted the heart. Their stories of their travels around Australia in song were beautiful.
Capping off the night Loaded dog came back to send us all to our homes.
This was one of our best nights of the year.
November 2021
Next up was Jamie McKinnon fresh from the Scotland will Flourish concert. Playing solo this time he gave us a few songs from the concert and more. a well constructed set of stories from his home country and beyond.
GypsyLou Trio was next to the stage with their trade mark harmony vocals, Carrie, Kate and Matt create a beautiful sound and it was a pleasure to listen to.
After the break Jim McGuire opened the 2nd half with renditions from his homeland. And the night was capped off with Gypsy Lou and another set of songs we could sing along with.
Overall a really nice night of good music.
October 2021
M.C. and opening act for the evening was Phil Gray. Influenced by his recent trip to Albany for the Sea Shanty Festival, Phil performed some sea related songs. First up “The Hills Of Isle Au Haut”, followed by an acapella version of “Captain Stubbs” and “Whaling On The Southern Oceans.”
Next up was Andre Alexander, playing on a borrowed Martin acoustic, who sang two Mark Knopfler songs – “Sailing To Philadelphia” and “Don’t Crash The Ambulance” followed by an original “Rosie Lee.”
Next up, headliners The Rambling Bilbies, delivered the first of two sets. With their line-up of violin (Amanda) paired with either clarinet or flute (Jill) underpinned by solid guitar playing (Rob), The Bilbies conjured up a full and interesting accompaniment to their songs. These were mostly originals penned by Rob, with some nice instrumental passages. Set closer “Long Tall Glasses” smoothly incorporated “College Hornpipe”, an unusual combination which worked surprisingly well.
After the break, there were short sets by Stan, who sang “Annie’s Song” and “Imagine.” He was followed by the owner of the Martin guitar, David Cutler, whose set comprised of three Joni Mitchell songs – “Urge For Going”, “Circle Game” and “Both Sides Now.”
The Rambling Bilbies returned to finish the evening with another set, but not before Phil had amused us all with a poem about a tennis ball. The Bilbies again delighted with their choice of cover tunes and evocative originals. Special mention for the interplay between Jill on clarinet and flute and Amanda on violin which gave the music a unique texture. Set closer “Nights In White Satin” capped off a great evening in fine style.
Next weekend the WAFF has organised music for the Hillarys Boat Harbour – Folk on the Water. Running on Saturday and Sunday with 2 stages of wonderful music. Click on the Folk on the Water link to get more information.
September 2021
We opened the show Lee Shore with his trade mark sea faring songs, a chance to sing along was not missed and with a gentle breeze to fill the sails it was a nice start to the evening
Next up and all the way from Manduraah we had Katie McMahon with a variety of songs with a distinctly Scottish feel, I liked the Auld Lang Syne version. Katie will be back in a couple of month as part of Gypsy Lou, keep the date open after this taster it will be a good night in November.
Martin & Coole (and Roland), our feature artists, took to the stage with a lovely set of songs. Jon & Emma have written some good songs over the years and along with renditions of others it was a good finish to the first half.
After the raffle draw and a cuppa Bill Cullen & David Beatie gave us a few contemporary songs from their combined influences over the years.
Martin, Coole & Roland came back for their second set to finish off the night with more of their eclectic range of songs.
Overall a really nice night listening to good music and catching up with folk.August 2021
July 2021
Dick Wilkinson was first up with his 3 songs in the blues tradition. I love Dick’s take on the writing of songs and his renditions are always nice to hear.
Jerome Toonen was next up. Jerome attended the WAFF performance workshop a few months ago and his performance was easy going and enjoyable.
David Beattie was next up, a regular at WFC playing popular tunes in classical style. It is nice to have David sing a bit in recent appearances.
Phil Roeterdink followed with a couple of songs solo and the bringing Bob Rummery with his button accordian up to accompany a couple more.
After the break John Ralph gave us a couple energetic of songs. We don’t hear John often enough.
Rob Phillips was next up and we had some poetry for a change. It is good to hear the spoke word presented at the club.
Another person we don’t see very often, Willy Woodbine was next. Last time we saw him he was in a trio a I recall. His solo spot this month was a pleasure to listen to.
I was next, Rob Oats, I wasn’t expecting to sing so had to borrow a guitar and a very nice one it was. Thanks to everyone who snag along.
To finish the night Jim McGuire came to the stage with a few songs.
All in all it was a nice relaxed evening. A lot of people commented on the format and next year our intention is to have more of these nights to give more performers a chance to strut their stuff in a safe and appreciative environment.June 2021
The night opened with MC John giving us a few jokes followed by Diana, who does play for us often enough, a nice set of songs to set the tone of the evening. Tamzin followed with a few more songs, She was nice to here last time she played, this time she was better. The featured artist this month was Graham Wilson. Graham is originally from Scotland but has moved around the world for many years so his songs come from all over. For his first set he gave us songs of a traditional background from mainly Scotland which left a few audience members a little confused with the language/dialect. His guitar accompaniment was a treat, I love to here good finger picking styles. His presentation is sublime.
After the break and raffle draw we had Stan the man with a few tunes and songs. which led us back to Graham with his 2nd set of songs that this time were a bit easier for some to understand. With humour and deft guitar work we had a wonderful bit of entertainment.
Next month we have The Rambling Bilbies trio and a bevy of floor singers to entertain you. So put the 2nd Friday of July in your calendars and hopefully we will see you then.April 2021
As expected a slightly smaller group of people turned up but considering all things it was not a bad turn out.
Before the due start time a short jam session started up with the players tuning up and playing random songs to which others joined in.
So after a toss of a coin to decide one song or two in the first round Ed started with Whiskey in the Jar accompanied by Colin on the harp and a few harmonies. Moving clockwise we had some tunes from Colin on his double sided Harmonica, bit disconcerting watching it being flipped over and over! Bill C was next with Stuck in the Middle, David did the Mason Williams Classical Gas which in it’s day was was the go to guitar tune to play. Dick was up next playing his Guitalele (a Uke sized Guitar) and the song Bound for Australia. Neil was next on a tenor Ukulele with Always Remember Us This Way. Bill & Maggs did a couple of songs: the classic Summertime and the Commodore’s Easy. A rare treat next with Sally and a poem about Vintage cars. Brendon followed with a tune on his cello mandolin. Don otherwise known as Lee sang a Cyril Tawney song The Grey Funnel Line. I finished the first round with another Tawney song Free & Easy.
After a short break for a cuppa we started the circle again with a couple of drop outs and a new performer Stan dropping in and dressed for the part with the Marty Robbins song White Sports Coat and a Pink Carnation. Overall the night flowed like wine and everyone had a good time. Although I do find it interesting that some folk still don’t understand that registration is mandatory still and some folk can’t count!
Check out the WAFF on Facebook (West Australian Folk Federation).March 2021
Next up and in total contrast was Colin Smiley who amazed with his Harmonica playing, changing keys in the middle of tunes. He played tunes by Turlough O
Carolan and was joined at the finish by a freshly recruited (press-ganged?)percussion section called The Roving Rhythm Rogues consisting of Ed Bettega, David Cutler and Mike Tarca.
The First half finished with the main act for the Night. Jim Jam. Jim Mcguire is no stranger to the folk scene in Perth but his colleagues Suzanne and Steve
tend to play more corporate gigs and middle of the road standards it was good to her them play a more ‘folkie’ Set Their Harmonies are sublime and the more
serious songs such as The Bridal Train were contrasted well with the hilarious Chastity Belt complete with amateur dramatics and props.
The second half welcomed a new face to the folk scene, Joe Ralph. This ex WAAPA classical guitarist now is a busy guitar teacher as well as playing standards in pubs around Perth For his first solo folk club gig he gave us songs from Brian Bedford (What’s The Use Of Wings) as well as songs from Steve Knightly from Show of Hands and even a lovely song ‘The Colours of the Wind’ from the Disney movie Pocahontas.
Jim Jam finished the night with more excellent music proving to be a thoroughly entertaining band. Also, they donated their fees back to the WAFF. Despite multiple efforts to advertise and provide class folk acts it seems that we still have trouble drawing a regular crowd. We are looking at ways to change our format to make it more popular, but we really need input from the audience so please let us know how we can improve things, or this venue may be lost.December 2020
Floor spots were filled with the committee this month with Jim McGuire opening the night with a couple of rousing songs followed by Diana Keegan who has a lovely singing voice that we only hear once a year. After Diana we had our other new kid on the block in Ed Bettega with a couple of his own songs.
Next up was The Foc’s’le Firkins with 6 “original” members. The bracket started a little shaky but soon took off into songs of a shanty nature as they found their land legs.
Supper was server by some of the committee in a COVID safe way with tongs (not tongues), the raffle was drawn and the second half started with 2 of the Rambling Bilbies singing what has now become a 3 part version of Silent night incorporating the Translation into Noongar language by Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse with the partner song On a Starlit Night”. Bill Cullen followed and then Jamie McKinnon did a couple. Our intrepid MC and Chairman John Ralph was installed behind the microphone for a song and to finish the night The Firkins came back to the stage and got the audience joining in with song, actions and clapping.
Another year has gone by and hopefully next year will be easier, more joyful and more rewarding for those in the entertainment arena.
November 2020
The night opened with floor spots from 2 of our workshop attendees in Al Riebau & Mike Tarka. They gave us a few songs with a little bit of audience participation.
The Hive Mind came on to finish the first half with some original material from Rachel & Dave. This trio is a very professional outfit and despite a few technical issues with the PA they entertained the audience with their marvelous playing with Rachel and Dave swapping between guitar and mandolin with Phoebe on fiddle and some lovely 3 part harmony vocals.
After the break we heard from Phil Grey with a little help from Jill Oats. Phil has a way with songs from the Western Australian Bush and didn’t disappoint. We finished the night with another outstanding set from the Hive Mind.October 2020
The night started with Ed Bettega with John Ralph in tow for a few songs closely followed by some poetry from Lyndsay Evans and a bit of guitar from Fozzie.
The guest artist for tonight was Carmel Charlton singing a few of her own songs from around the country and joined by Colin Smiley. After a brief cuppa and the raffle draw things got a bit jazzy with The Footpath Stompers, consisting of Josh Gray on guitar, Joe Whitehorn on percussion and Aaron Caldwell on saxophone. Josh has moved on from folk and now plays what someone called “Folk Jazz”. These guys are great and improving everytime I see them, catch them if you can.
Carmel finished the night with Linda Martin performing a few familiar songs which the audience joined in with their usual gusto.
Another wonderous mix of music at club this month.
Stay tuned to the WA Folk Federation pages on FB and www.wafolk.org.au for next month’s show.
September 2020
The second half was soon upon us with Half a Jar comprising Phil Roeterdink and Jim McGuire also with a little help from Fiona Davidson and Bob Rummery. This was also a nice set of songs and tunes with audience participation. Another great night out with friends and music.
& Fiona DavidsonAugust 2020
After the break our guest performer for the night was Peter Bugden. Peter is a very funny man and didn’t disappoint with his selection of songs and his witty introductions. He also surprised us with a couple of serious songs as well. Overall it was a great night and the audience went home with smiles on their faces.July 2020
After an extended break a smaller than normal crowd was in attendance but it was a nice evening sharing songs around the room after a break during lockdown. With COVID regulations in place we were rather spaced out but it didn’t stop the wonderful songs and tunes.
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
Next Month we have Dan Walsh over from UK Last year he gave us a great performance on his banjo and next month promises to be as good. Also we have Jane & the Rain from Perth launching their 1st EP of original songs.December ’19
Bill Cullen was next up, Bill joined the committee a couple of weeks ago and gave us songs good songs including a Gordon Lightfoot favourite.
Jamie McKinnon followed with a few songs including Nadine which had the story extended during the night.
David Cutler has a wonderful way with songs and among others gave us John McCutcheon’s Song about Xmas in the trenches of WW1 .We managed to get a couple og songs from MC John Ralph as well and it was worth the wait.
Supper was served with lots of conversation and then the Cork Man Sean Roche took to the stage for the second half. Opening unaccompanied with Hot Asphalt and a grand set of songs form all over. He was joined mid set by Colin Smiley on Harp and finished the night with a couple of encore songs sending the audience Choir home, who had joined in all night, happy and waiting for January’s Sing-a round on Jan 12th 2020. Have a merry Summer Solstice and watch out for the New Year it is gonna getcha.November ’19
From there we went to Ashlea Reale and the Outlaws with songs of bushrangers and murder abounded in a very professional preview of their new CD which will be available soon. Great vocals from Ashlea, great guitar work from Marlie and lovely bass from Paul.
2nd half after a cuppa and the raffle Colin Smiley gave us a couple of tunes on Harmonica and then Ashlea and co finished off the night with more murder and bloodshed and a few other songs to lighten up the mood.
It was a great night once again. October ’19
Gina Williams & Guy Ghouse had the first half, the banter and expressions between the 2 was brilliant. What a class act. Gina singing beautifully with the amazing backing of the cheeky Guy on guitar, what is not to love. The songs were in the Noongar language but with the stories beforehand it all made sense and even had the crowd singing along in language. Moon River was stunning as well with most of the audience also joining in the English half.
2nd Half was Loaded Dog with the addition of Josh Grey on Double Bass. with song writers in abundance they gave us some wonderful insight into our history and Alan’s song Winter in Winnipeg somehow fitting in really well. Phil G managed to throw in a couple of jokes to make up for John Ralph being absent due to climbing the hills of Peru (they got a similar response).
Next month is set to be another great night with Ahslea Reale and the Outlaws so stay tuned to the WAFF web site and Facebook page for more info.September 2019
Headline act was Craig Sinclair with the backing violin of Jude Iddison (what was the last name again). I haven’t seen Craig for quite some time and he didn’t disappoint, his guitar work is impeccable, those vocals are glorious and the songs tell a story worth listening to.
After the raffle was drawn and Jamie almost sprung the footy result (sorry Jamie but a few of us recorded the game to watch later) the second half was opened with Susgala plus 1. The lovely harmonies were enjoyed by all. Craig and Judith returned to finish the night , they have a few more shows over the next few days so I would recommend catching them.August 2019
One of the things about folk clubs is that the audience comes to listen and this brings out the best in the performers who don’t have to compete with lots of chatter and babble.June 2019
Second half had Rob Oats doing a few songs, some of his own and a couple of others, with a very appreciative applause. Raelene and Alex finished the night with more of the story from the first half. You get good songs and a history lesson at Wanneroo folk club!
(words from JR)Those of you who were at the Wanneroo Folk Club last night and have seen the latest report will notice that this man is missing from them. So here are a couple of photos of Rob. Rob organises the sound and lighting and photos for the artists .He sends out a WAFF gig guide every week, He is in charge of revamping the WAFF Website as well as being Vice Chairman of the WAFF, He posts a report of the Wanneroo Folk club on Facebook. He plays in his band the Rambling Bilbies. With all this we can forget what a brilliant solo artist he is. He stepped in a short notice to play an excellent set last night with a mixture of his own songwriting and covers that received an enthusiastic reception from the audience.Thanks for all of your hard work Rob. We are lucky to have you on board May 2019
Grave Spin